The rules and regulations contained herein are intended by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) to serve the best interest of the conference, the exhibitors, and the registrants, and to give notice to applicants and exhibitors of governing rules and regulations. All applicants, exhibitors and exhibitor-appointed contractors are bound by these rules and regulations.

NACAC shall have full authority to interpret or amend these rules, and its decision is final. Exhibitors agree to abide by any rules or regulations that may hereafter be adopted, which shall be as much a part as though originally incorporated. All issues not addressed herein are subject to the decision of NACAC. These rules and regulations have been formulated in the best interest of all exhibitors.

The exhibitor understands and agrees that the information contained in this document and the NACAC Rules and Regulations are an integral and binding part of the Exhibit Space Contract, and that signing the exhibit space application/contract indicates understanding and agreement to comply with all policies, rules, regulations, terms and conditions, and any others issued by NACAC regarding the conference; willingness to abide by the payment policy; acknowledgment of having read NACAC’s Rules and Regulations; and agreement to distribute them for proper execution to those individuals involved with exhibiting.

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Exhibitors are fully responsible for complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regarding booth space, including, but not limited to, the wheelchair access provisions. Exhibitors indemnify, hold harmless and defend NACAC, its officers, directors, agents, members, and employees from and against any claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and expenses) resulting from or arising out of the exhibitors’ failure or allegations of exhibitors’ failure to comply with the provisions of the ADA. Information regarding ADA compliance is available from the US Department of Justice ADA Information Line (800-514-0301).

Live animals are not allowed in an exhibit for any purpose.

Exhibitor booth personnel and representatives may not enter the exhibit space of another exhibitor without permission from that exhibitor, and, at no time, may anyone enter an exhibit space that is not staffed. Attendants, models, and other employees must confine their activities to the contracted exhibit space.

Professional behavior is expected by each company, its representatives, and exhibitor-appointed contractors at all times during the NACAC Conference. Any provocation of another either verbally, physically or by any other means will result in all parties involved surrendering their badges immediately and being escorted off the premises by security, and all parties being prohibited from attending the remainder of the NACAC Conference. If there is more than one offense, NACAC will prohibit the parties’ attendance at all future shows.

All lighting and overhead rigging must be approved by NACAC. Self-contained visuals are permitted. Overhead rigging is not permitted on in-line booths or booths less than 400 sq. ft. Exhibitors with island booths must submit a booth schematic to NACAC Show Management for review and approval by Monday, July 14, 2025 to

Utilization of audio is allowed, if audible only within a 2′ perimeter. This includes live, projected and or recorded audio. Speaker units can be placed within the confines of the booth space but cannot be within 2′ of the aisle. Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that it shall be solely responsible for obtaining any licenses, permits, etc., which may be required for it to broadcast, perform or display any copyrighted materials including, but not limited to, music, video and software. Exhibitors indemnify, defend, and hold NACAC, its officers, directors, agents, members, and employees from and against any and all claims and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or related to exhibitor’s breach of this provision.

NACAC realizes the value of networking with current or potential clients outside of the Exhibit Hall but asks that exhibitors do so within the parameters set forth by NACAC. Before any event can be contracted, exhibitors interested in hosting an event at any time during the week of the NACAC Conference (defined as the Sunday before exhibitor load-in, through the Tuesday following the last day of the conference) must complete and submit an Event Request Form for approval by NACAC. All events held in conjunction with the NACAC conference, regardless of where the event will be held, must submit a form. NACAC reserves the right to require the exhibitor to adjust event times or locations based on NACAC events scheduled during the conference. All expenses associated with changing the date, time or location of an unapproved event are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor.

These events include, but are not limited to, any of the following:

  • Social Events or Hospitality Events
  • Chapter/Non-profit Events
  • Media Events
  • Focus Groups
  • Educational programming
  • Trips
  • Sales/Staff/Board Meeting
  • Consulting Meeting


All drape is provided by The Expo Group in the NACAC Conference 2025 show colors, and no other drape is allowed.

Helium balloons, of any kind, as part of the exhibit or as a giveaway are strictly prohibited. NACAC staff reserves the right to confiscate any helium balloons on the exhibit floor. If helium balloons get loose in the exhibit hall, it is the exhibitor’s responsibility to retrieve them. Any costs required to retrieve helium balloons in the exhibit hall are the exhibitor’s responsibility.

The purchase of an exhibit booth includes two full exhibitor conference registrations per 10×10 booth. It does not, however, include furniture (tables, chairs, etc.), flooring or carpeting, electrical, or internet. These items and services may be ordered through The Expo Group’s exhibitor services kit, which is available in the late June/early July.


All requests for cancellation of space must be received in writing. If cancellation request is received by June 30, 2025, the exhibitor will receive a refund less the cancellation fee of $100.00 per 10′ x 10′ booth space. There are no refunds after July 1, 2025.

No part of an exhibit, signs or other materials may be posted, nailed, taped, or otherwise affixed to walls, doors or floor surfaces in a way that will mar or deface the premises. The use of Velcro, stick-on decals, or similar items and/or tape on any vertical surface, including, but not limited to, painted walls and portable walls within the facility is strictly prohibited. Exhibitors are responsible for any damage to the facility.

Flooring is not provided as part of your booth fees but is required in each exhibit booth. Exhibitors can rent carpeting from The Expo Group, our general services contractor, or can provide their own carpet or floor covering. If providing their own, the carpet or floor covering must fit the full dimensions of the booth space. You must notify NACAC if you plan to provide your own carpet/floor covering by Friday, August 29, 2025 at

If flooring is not installed in your booth by 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 17, NACAC will request The Expo Group install carpet in the booth and provide the exhibitor with a bill for service, which is the exhibitor’s responsibility. 

Carpet installation will not be allowed during booth finishing, 7:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. on Thursday, September 18. 

Anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed in the NACAC Conference 2025 Expo (Exhibit Halls A/B/C) at any time. This includes the conference education sessions in the LEARN Booth and the Solutions Showcase Booth.

The Counselors’ College Fair (CCF) is an opportunity for high school counselors attending NACAC Conference to meet with admission team members in a college fair setting. It is held on the Friday of the conference in the afternoon.

Exhibitors may attend the CCF but are not permitted to distribute flyers or giveaways or conduct sales in or near the event. NACAC retains the right under this agreement to remove any exhibitor from the premises who, at NACAC’s sole discretion, engages in inappropriate behavior. Removal may also include the termination of the exhibitor’s license to exhibit, granted herein, and the closing and removal of the exhibit. Exhibitor hereby waives any and all claims for damages against NACAC by reason of such removal. Removal under these circumstances may result in an exhibitor being barred from future NACAC shows.

Demonstration areas must be organized within the contracted exhibit space. Demonstration tables cannot be placed closer than 2′ from the aisle. Should spectators or samplers interfere with the normal traffic flow in the aisle or overflow into neighboring exhibits, NACAC reserves the right to require the exhibitor to immediately discontinue the activity.

As a consideration to NACAC attendees and your fellow exhibitors, no exhibit dismantling or removal may begin until official exhibit hours have ended at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 20, 2025. Dismantling exhibits includes packing equipment, literature, display materials, graphics, giveaways, or in any way altering the appearance of an exhibit. Dismantling exhibits or “preparing to dismantle” before the show closes is prohibited. NACAC reserves the right to deduct exhibitor priority points from a company’s total for violating these rules. Neither NACAC nor NACAC’s general services contractor, The Expo Group, will assist with early dismantling, including delivery of empty crates/boxes or shipping. Empty crates/boxes for display materials will be returned as promptly as possible to each booth after the official closing time. NACAC and the facility hosting the meeting do not assume any responsibility for loss or damage to exhibits, equipment or personal belongings during the dismantling period. All exhibitors with booths intact through the full hours of the show will receive five (5) additional priority points toward their totals. NACAC’s exhibits manager will check booths between 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 20.

Following are the listing of height restrictions and display regulations for each booth type allowed at NACAC Conference 2025:

  • Linear Booths are sold in increments of 10′ wide and 10′ deep (i.e., 10′ x 10′). The back wall height may be a maximum of 8′. Regardless of the number of linear booths utilized (e.g., 10′ x 20′, 10′ x 30′, 10′ x 40′, etc.), display materials should be arranged in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. For 10′ x 10′ or 10′ x 20′ booths, the maximum height of 8′ is allowed only in the rear half of the booth space, with a 4′ height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle. (Note: When three or more linear booths are used in combination as a single exhibit space, the forward space 4′ height limitation is applied only to that portion of exhibit space, which is within 10′ of an adjoining booth). Linear booths are generally arranged in a straight line and have neighboring exhibitors on their immediate right and left, leaving only one side exposed to the aisle; however, they can offer two sides exposed to an aisle when they are at the end of a straight line of booths.
  • Perimeter Booths are Linear Booths that back to an outside wall of the exhibit facility rather than to another exhibit. All guidelines for Linear Booths apply to Perimeter Booths except that the maximum back wall height is 12′.
  • Island Booths are 20′ x 20′ or larger. The entire cubic content of the space may be used up to the maximum allowable height of 20′. Hanging signs are allowed with the restriction that the top of the sign is permitted at 20′ or below. All lighting and overhead rigging must be approved by NACAC. Self-contained visuals are permitted. Exhibitors with island booths must submit a booth schematic to NACAC Show Management for review and approval by Monday, July 14, 2025 to
  • All lighting and overhead rigging must be approved by NACAC.
  • Labor must be contracted for rigging. The Expo Group will manage this through the exhibitor services kit.
  • Rigging is allowed over island booths to a 20’ max (top of the sign to the floor)
  • Max height for booth structures is 20’ (top of the structure to floor)

The exhibitor is responsible for arranging all shipments, supplies and drayage services. No arrangements will be made with the convention center to receive any shipments from any supplier. Drayage information will be enclosed in The Expo Group Exhibitor Services Kit (sent to all exhibitors in late June/early July).


In purchasing an exhibit space, each exhibitor agrees to adhere to all conditions and regulations outlined in this document. Any violations shall subject the exhibiting company to these penalties:

  • Suspension from exhibiting at the current conference.
  • Loss of priority points
  • Loss of all exhibiting privileges (i.e., company will not be invited to exhibit at any future NACAC conferences).

Any exhibiting organization that fails to notify NACAC, in writing, prior to the conference of its intent to cancel is deemed a no-show. A no-show may result in a loss of exhibiting privileges at future NACAC conferences, and no refunds will be issued. Infractions of the spirit of the rules by potential exhibitors at any time may be considered in determining whether to accept an application from such company seeking to exhibit at any NACAC conference. Each exhibitor is granted nothing more than a terminable license to exhibit, subject to all the rules herein and the approval of the association. If NACAC determines that any exhibitor has failed to comply with any rule herein or any directive issued to the exhibitor, the association may terminate the license and close that exhibiting company’s exhibit. If this occurs, the exhibitor will be notified in writing. In all interpretations of the NACAC Rules and Regulations, NACAC’s decision is final.


The Expo Group (single source provider)

  • General Services Contractor
  • Decorator
  • AV
  • Lead Retrieval Service
  • Electrical Service
  • Internet Service
  • Floral


  • Housing

Levy Restaurants

  • Catering

As a courtesy to attendees and fellow exhibitors, all exhibits must be open on time and remain staffed at all times during exhibit hours. Failure to comply with this rule will result in NACAC deducting exhibitor priority points from a company’s total and barring the company’s exhibit from the following year’s NACAC Conference.

NACAC has made every effort to appoint the best-qualified contractors to provide show services. If an exhibitor chooses to designate a non-official exhibitor-appointed contractor (EAC), the exhibitor and contractor must abide by the rules set forth in this document. Exhibitors must notify NACAC in writing of the selection of and contact information for an EAC. NACAC requires that the exhibitor notify their EAC of the rules and procedures that govern NACAC’s show, including the deadlines for filing.

EAC’s must either obtain labor from the official general contractor or provide evidence to the official contractor that they possess applicable and current city labor contracts for the Greater Columbus Convention Center. To use the services of an EAC, exhibitors and EACs must adhere to all rules. All EAC notifications must be submitted through the forms in The Expo Group Exhibitor Services Kit by Monday, August 11, 2025. NACAC reserves the right to remove an EAC whose actions jeopardize the on-time opening of the exposition or whose employees fail to observe the regulations and procedures in this document, The Expo Group Exhibitor Services Kit and Exhibit Space Contract. This includes the NACAC no-smoking policy.

Your Expo booth purchase includes two (2) complimentary exhibitor full conference registrations per 10′ x 10′ space. Exhibitors are assigned coupon codes and required to register booth personnel with these unique codes. Each person must have a badge to attend any conference event and gain access to the Expo. The company name appearing on the exhibitor’s badge and the booth ID signage must be the same company name that appears on the contract for space.

For additional booth personnel registration, pricing will be provided upon request.

Exhibitors are invited to reserve a room block at contracted hotels prior to NACAC opening registration to the general public. A link to the housing portal is shared with all fully paid exhibiting companies.

If an exhibitor elects not to create a room block, hotel reservations can be made by the individual once registered for the conference. A unique link to the housing portal will be included in the registration confirmation email.

Exhibit hours and events are approximate and subject to change at NACAC’s discretion. View Expo Schedule.


Exhibitors must comply with all federal, state, and local fire and building codes that apply in the Greater Columbus Convention Center. A full set of the Fire and Safety Regulations can be provided upon request.

NACAC retains the right to modify theExpo Floor Plan to the extent necessary for the best interest of NACAC and the exposition.

Distribution of food and beverages from the exhibitor’s booth for hospitality is permitted. All food, beverages and supplies must be purchased through Levy Restaurants, the exclusive caterer of the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Order forms and details will be available in The Expo Group Exhibitor Services Kit.

The Expo Group will control access to the loading docks and will receive and handle all exhibit materials and empty crates. The Expo Group will handle unloading or re-loading at the freight docks of any and all contracted carriers. 


The general conditions of the convention center governing show contractor and labor, fire code compliance, electrical code compliance, security, fixture damage, badges, tax code compliance, music, compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all other general conditions, and compliance with the rules and regulations of the convention center, are incorporated herein by reference, and made a condition of this Agreement. The exhibitor agrees that NACAC, its officers, directors, agents, and employees are not responsible for any damages or charges imposed for violation of any law or ordinance, whether due to exhibitor or agent of exhibitor. Exhibitors agree to abide by all local laws, ordinances or regulations by the respective governmental authority.

Exhibitors may provide small promotional items to distribute to anyone visiting the exhibitor’s booth in order to assist visitors in remembering an exhibitor or a service offered. Examples of approved giveaways: pens/pencils, key chains, caps/visors, stress balls, water bottles, T-shirts/polo shirts. All food items and beverages, including chocolates and mints, must receive written permission from Levy Restaurants, the exclusive caterer to the Greater Columbus Convention Center – request forms will be available in The Expo Group Exhibitor Services Kit. Giveaways may only be provided within the confines of the contracted exhibit booth.

The Expo Group and the Greater Columbus Convention Center’s work rules prohibit any employee from soliciting and/or accepting gratuities or gifts. Any attempt to solicit a gratuity by an employee for any service should be reported immediately to The Expo Group floor manager.


NACAC encourages exhibitors to creatively theme their booth(s). Professionally designed banners and graphics may be displayed on the back drape of the booth. Hanging signs and graphics are permitted with the top of the sign at 12′ or below for Perimeter Booths, and in Island Booths with the top of the sign at 20’ or below. These must be fixed and within the confines of the booth and should comply with all ordinary use-of-space requirements. All hanging signs and graphics must be set back 10′ from adjacent booths. No booth that shares a back wall with another booth will be permitted to have a hanging sign. All lighting and overhead rigging must be approved by NACAC. Self-contained visuals are permitted. Overhead rigging is not permitted on in-line booths, perimeter booths, or booths less than 400 sq. ft.

Exhibitors with island booths must submit a booth schematic to NACAC Show Management for review and approval by Monday, July 14, 2025 to

  • All lighting and overhead rigging must be approved by NACAC.
  • Labor must be contracted for rigging. The Expo Group will manage this through the exhibitor services kit.
  • Rigging is allowed over island booths to a 20’ max (top of the sign to the floor)
  • Max height for booth structures is 20’ (top of the structure to floor)


The exhibitor agrees to protect, indemnify and hold NACAC, the Greater Columbus Convention Center, their respective officers, directors, agents, and employees against and from any and all losses, costs, damages, liability, or expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising from or by reason of any accident, bodily injury, property damage, or other claims or occurrences to any person, including exhibitor, its employees and agents, or any business invitees, arising out of or related to exhibitor’s occupancy or use of the exhibition premises in the show or on and adjacent to the Greater Columbus Convention Center, including storage and parking areas or any claims arising out of or related to exhibitor’s website.

Exhibitors must have their booths fully assembled and set up, including floor covering, no later than 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 17, 2025.

On Thursday, September 18, 2025 from 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., exhibitors will be allowed into the exhibit hall to finish setting up their booths. During this time, exhibitors will be allowed to:

  • attach items to their booth without the aid of power tools or stepladders
  • set out giveaways and literature
  • test all equipment and request aid from our exclusive vendors to include audiovisual items and lead retrieval units

However, there will be no building or assembly time available on Thursday, September 18, 2025.

Exhibitors agree to install their booths within the time frame established by NACAC. All exhibits must be set and ready for inspection by NACAC in accordance with these rules, and NACAC reserves the right to deduct exhibitor priority points from a company’s total for violating these rules.

The exhibitor shall maintain general liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) to cover its potential liabilities under this Agreement and shall name NACAC as an additional insured under exhibitor’s liability policy for the period of the show, including move-in and move-out periods.

Proof of Insurance must be submitted to NACAC by Monday, August 11, 2025, or company may lose exhibit privileges.

Attn: NACAC Conference 2025 Expo
1050 N. Highland Street, Suite 400
Arlington, VA 22201


Installation and Dismantling (I&D) is performed by a labor pool and contracted to local and national pre-qualified decorators and pre-qualified exhibitor-appointed contractors. Their role is to assist in the set up and tear down of shows and exhibits. These workers perform tasks such as mark floors, lay carpet, skirt, and drape tables, set tables and chairs, assemble display booths, unload and deliver freight and anything else to prepare the show for opening. At the conclusion of a show, they tear everything down, prepare merchandise and load trucks for shipment. Labor calls should be ordered through The Expo Group Exhibitor Services Kit, available in late June.

The exhibitor agrees to assume all risks of loss, injury, theft, or damage of any kind or nature whatsoever to any exhibit or component thereof, including any goods, merchandise, chattels, papers and business records, or other property that may be in or come into the exhibitor’s possession during the course of the exhibit, or in the course of assembling or disassembling the exhibit and to assume all liability for damage to property, person or persons arising from accidental or other causes incidental to movement and operation of exhibit and hereby releases NACAC, its contractors and the Greater Columbus Convention Center from any liability whatsoever.

NACAC reserves the right to revoke or deny attendance of any registered participant, speaker, exhibitor, or news media reporter of activities, conferences, and meetings.


Personnel contracted to assist with demonstrations in an exhibitor’s booth are required to wear appropriate attire and must stay within the confines of the contracted exhibit booth.

Names must be submitted to show management by Monday, August 11, 2025 for contracted personnel to gain access to the exhibit hall. Names will be with security at the Expo entrance.


An exhibiting company will be considered a no-show if its booth space is unoccupied by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 18, 2025. The exhibitor shall be deemed to have canceled their Exhibit Space Application/Contract for the NACAC show. NACAC will require a written explanation of their failure to exhibit before allowing future participation in NACAC shows. The exhibit space may be assigned to another exhibitor and NACAC will not provide a refund to the original exhibitor. NACAC is not obligated to relocate that exhibitor if they arrive after the deadline.

NACAC policy strictly prohibits the use of tobacco products in all areas of the convention center (including during installation and dismantling) and all hotel meeting rooms hosting NACAC events. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that all individuals associated with the exhibiting company comply with this policy.

Non-exhibiting suppliers are prohibited from selling products and services or distributing items in the aisle, food and/or seating areas of the exhibit floor. Any non-exhibiting supplier selling products or services or distributing items in these areas will be escorted from the exhibit floor by on-site security personnel; conference credentials will be forfeited for the duration of the trade show; and the incident will be reported to show management for further action. Any exhibitors observing such activity should communicate these infractions to NACAC staff or security monitoring the exhibit floor.


Any exhibiting company that has an outstanding balance due to NACAC will be prohibited from exhibiting until this balance has been paid. Outstanding balances may include fees incurred through NACAC’s advertising, sponsorship, or conference departments.


If possible, credit card payment should be received with contract for space. If paying by check, all checks must be sent to NACAC within ten (10) business days of the submission date on your contract for space. If we do not receive payment within this timeframe, your contract will be void.

Checks should be sent to:

National Association for College Admission Counseling
Attn: NACAC Conference 2025 Expo (INCLUDE BOOTH NUMBER)
1050 N. Highland Street, Suite 400
Arlington, VA 22201

Should you have any challenges with this, contact

Exhibit space will be given to applicants with correct payment(s) and completed form(s). Incorrect payment(s) or incomplete form(s) may result in a processing delay and could hinder an applicant’s receipt of exhibit space.

These practices are prohibited in the Exhibit Hall:

  • Obstruction of aisle space due to any activity in an exhibitor’s booth.
  • Conducting business outside of the confines of your booth and/or in the aisle.
  • Audio systems that disturb neighboring exhibits. Using an open audio system is strongly discouraged. The exhibitor must stop using a system if, in NACAC’s opinion, the sound level is objectionable to the registrants or adjacent exhibitors. Further, the exhibitor is responsible for any and all fees that may be due for the use of copyrighted music used in audio presentations.
  • Non-exhibiting suppliers selling on the show floor will be escorted from the floor and not allowed to return.
  • Allowing more than two companies to conduct business within each 10′ x 10′ space.
  • Rigging above any in-line booth that shares a back wall with another booth.


Rigging is allowed over Island booths to a 20’ max from the top of the sign to the floor, and Perimeter booths to a 12-foot maximum. Rigging is not permitted over any in-line booth that shares a back wall with another booth. Labor must be contracted for rigging. All lighting and overhead rigging must be approved by NACAC. Self-contained visuals are permitted. Overhead rigging is not permitted on in-line booths or booths less than 400 sq. ft.

Exhibitors with island booths must submit a booth schematic to NACAC Show Management for review and approval by Monday, July 14, 2025 to

  • All lighting and overhead rigging must be approved by NACAC.
  • Labor must be contracted for rigging. The Expo Group will manage this through the exhibitor services kit.
  • Rigging is allowed over island booths to a 20’ max (top of the sign to the floor)
  • Max height for booth structures is 20’ (top of the structure to floor)


Each exhibitor is responsible for safeguarding its goods, materials, equipment, and exhibit at all times during the NACAC Conference. NACAC provides 24-hour security guard service for the perimeter of the Exhibit Hall, but neither the guard service nor NACAC are responsible for loss of or damage to any property. Deliveries or removal of equipment are only permitted during move-in and move-out. NACAC recommends that you do not leave valuables in your booth unsupervised.

NACAC’s exhibit program educates attendees by providing information, services and products and presenting industry trends pertinent to college admission counseling. Therefore, selling exhibited products will not be permitted. At no time may the exhibit or product display be altered to fulfill a transaction. No signage or advertising of product pricing will be allowed.

Should NACAC elect to cancel the show, NACAC’s liability to the Exhibitor shall be the refund of any payments for booth space received. NACAC shall not be liable for any consequential damages that may arise from such cancellation. Should the show be cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of NACAC, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of war, governmental emergency, labor strike, or destruction of exhibit facility, NACAC shall return each Exhibitor’s space payment less a pro rata share of costs and expenses incurred.

Storage of all literature and catalogs must be accommodated on or under the tables provided. No crates, fiber cases, cardboard boxes, or reserve supplies may be stored behind the booth back walls. Access storage is available through The Expo Group (General Services Contractor).

Exhibit personnel must conduct all business within the confines of the contracted exhibit space. Booth personnel observed to be soliciting business in the aisles or other public spaces, in another company’s booth or in violation of any portion of the Exhibition Policy, will be asked to leave immediately. Additional penalties may be applied. Please report any violations you may observe to Show Management. Show Management recognizes that suitcasing may also take the form of commercial activity conducted from a hotel guest room, hospitality suite, restaurant, club, or any other public place of assembly. For the purposes of this policy, suitcasing violations may occur at venues other than the exhibition floor and at other events.

Show Management must be informed of any hospitality suites or planned functions to which NACAC attendees will be invited and expressed consent must be received prior to the event.



One of the purposes of this show is to provide exhibitors with an opportunity to interact with other exhibitors, attendees, NACAC staff, and volunteers. Those contacts must be conducted in a cordial, professional manner. Inappropriate behavior or undesirable conduct, including, but not limited to, verbal or physical abuse, whether threatened or performed, will not be permitted, or tolerated. NACAC retains the right under this agreement to remove any exhibitor from the premises who, at NACAC’s sole discretion, engages in inappropriate, undesirable, or abusive behavior. Removal may also include the termination of the exhibitor’s license to exhibit, granted herein, and the closing and removal of the exhibit. Exhibitor hereby waives any and all claims for damages against NACAC by reason of such removal. Removal under these circumstances may result in an exhibitor being barred from future NACAC shows.

Exhibits are subject to the approval of NACAC. NACAC reserves the right, even after an application has been approved, to refuse exhibits, curtail activities or close exhibits or parts of exhibits that do not, in NACAC’s determination, comply with the NACAC Rules and Regulations governing the NACAC show; are contrary to NACAC’s public policies, positions, statements, or guidelines; or otherwise reflect unfavorably on the character of the meeting.

Exhibitors or exhibitor representatives must conduct all marketing and promotional activity within the contracted exhibit space. Placement of signs or promotional materials in any part of the convention center outside of the exhibitor’s booth is prohibited. All exhibits must be displays that fit in the space provided and cannot exceed each 10′ x 10′ space contracted. Easels and chairs may be used within the confines of the contracted space. The maximum size of a displayed object on an easel cannot exceed 3′ x 3′. Display units may not obstruct exhibit space to the right, left or back of the booth. If there are multiple parts to the display, these must not exceed the depth of the booth. Maximum height restrictions for each booth configuration are outlined in the Display Regulations clause of this document. Each exhibitor must abide by height restrictions for booth space purchased. No exceptions.


Video recording is prohibited on the show floor unless you receive approval from NACAC directly.

Please submit request by Monday, August 18, 2025 to