Please be aware of and report any fraudulent unauthorized solicitation from NACAC or the use of our Mark(s) “National Association for College Admission Counseling.” If you receive a call or email from any company that is not our official housing provider or that is offering any lists with complete attendee, contact information, including email and phone numbers, please contact
Vendors, Attendees, and Exhibitor Lists
No outside entity has been provided or is authorized to sell any information related to our vendors, attendees, exhibitors, or other information. We will never email or call you to ask to purchase a list.
Official Housing Provider

Maritz is the Official Housing Provider for the National Association for College Admission Counseling’s NACAC Conference 2025. Improper solicitation of hotel reservations from any company other than Maritz is not approved. Reservations made by unaffiliated organizations may appear to have lower rates, however they may be illegitimate, not have the rooms to sell, have unreasonable cancellation or change penalties, or be completely non-refundable. Please be aware of and report any unauthorized solicitation to your organization or Maritz.
Unauthorized Seller Lists
The following individuals/companies, including but not limited to, have contacted NACAC members and affiliates to either sell an attendee list or offer hotel rooms. These individuals/companies are not authorized to sell any information related to our vendors, attendees, or exhibitors.
- Business Travel Bureau