NACAC and the 2025 Local Advisory Committee (LAC) seek volunteers to assist with the many activities at NACAC Conference 2025 in Columbus .

If you are a registered attendee and interested in volunteering, we would love to work with you!

Please keep in mind:

  • Registration is required for all volunteer assignments.
  • Volunteers do not need to reside in Columbus; however, local area knowledge is beneficial for some subcommittees.
  • Your information will be shared with the LAC. The subcommittee chairs will reach out to you in June for dates/times and assignments. You do not need to do anything else until that time.

Please read the committee descriptions below. Shifts for each category are typically two hours, unless otherwise noted.

  • Advocacy and Community Support Subcommittee
    Assist this subcommittee with any NACAC action stations during the conference. Information about the action stations will be provided soon.
  • Hospitality Subcommittee
    Assist with hospitality and directions within the convention center, providing directions to local activities/sites (i.e., directing attendees to/from the registration area, Expo Hall, and education session meeting rooms).
    Days: Wednesday – Saturday
  • Logistical Arrangements Subcommittee
    Help monitor education session rooms by providing directional assistance to attendees, room management, and onsite speaker management. Volunteers will be scheduled 10 – 15 minutes before each education time slot. Volunteers are encouraged to remain in the room to attend the session. We will try our best to schedule volunteers with the education session of their choice.
    Days: Thursday – Saturday
  • Registration Subcommittee
    Assist in the Material Pickup area by handing out conference tote bags and lanyards to attendees.
    Days: Tuesday – Saturday
  • Special Events Subcommittee
    Greet attendees as they enter the Opening Reception (Thursday) and the Closing Celebration (Saturday). Duties include checking badges as attendees enter and distributing materials.
    Days: Thursday and Saturday evening