
NACAC invites any Title IV eligible and accredited college, university, other postsecondary institution, or program offering undergraduate curricular study leading to a degree or diploma to participate in the CCF. International universities that offer academic degrees or diplomas that are sanctioned by the country’s Ministry of Higher Education or by US accrediting associations are also eligible to participate.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

All changes and cancellations regarding the Counselors’ College Fair via email to NACAC Customer Service (customerservice@nacacnet.org).

The deadline to receive a full refund is Thursday, July 24, minus a $50 processing fee. Cancellations received after July 24 will receive a 50% refund minus a $50 processing fee. No refunds will be issued after Wednesday, August 20, 2025.

Lead Retrieval

All exhibitors at the Counselors’ College Fair will be using the GoToCollegeFairs mobile scanning App to capture leads. ALL onsite representatives must bring a compatible mobile device with the App to scan barcodes. Use of the app is included in your registration price and is no additional cost to you. The event will appear in the “Fairs” section of the app the day of the event. Also, please note that WiFi is NOT required to scan attendee barcodes. Offline scanning is available within the app.

Exhibitor Policies and Additional Information

Space Assignments and Staffing

  • NACAC will assign table space alphabetically according to the name listed as “booth sign” on the registration form. Onsite CCF registrations will be assigned a table, space permitting, at the end of the alphabetical order of schools.
  • A maximum of three people may staff each booth, and the booth personnel must be registered attendees of the National Conference.

Exhibitor Setup and Breakdown Policy

  • Each registered institution will be furnished with one six-foot draped table, 2 chairs, a wastebasket and a booth ID sign with institution name, city, state and country (if non-US).
  • Banners or signs placed on exhibit tables must fit within this allotted space and may not impede sightlines of adjacent booths.
  • Exhibitors must prepare their tables before the opening of the CCF and remove their materials from the table immediately after the event ends.
  • Tables will be available for set-up on Friday from 12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Table Displays and Guidelines

  • Fire marshal regulations restrict the number of booth personnel staffing each table to a maximum of three people–no exceptions. All booth personnel must be registered attendees of the NACAC Conference.
  • Arrive on time for the fair, and staff your booth during all fair hours.
  • Stay for the entire program – counselors are excited to see you! There will be no refunds for no-shows.
  • Dress to best represent your school and wear identification with either your name or institution name.
  • Recruitment and distribution of literature is restricted to the parameters of the booth.
  • Representatives must remain behind their booth or within its parameters when speaking to attendees.
  • Audiovisual equipment is not permitted. Laptops or tablet computers may be used but must be fully charged before the CCF. No electrical power is provided to CCF exhibitors.
  • Table displays cannot exceed 20” in height and may not impede sightlines of adjacent booths.
  • Keep the aisles clear of boxes and materials.
  • Booth tables must remain in direct alignment with all others in the assigned row. Tables may not be realigned to a different traffic pattern or impede intended traffic flow.
  • College representatives who exhibit at the CCF are expected to distribute only official printed materials (brochures, catalogs, etc.) regarding the educational programs or student life at their respective colleges or universities so that the intent of the exhibit remains intact.
  • Small promotional giveaways, including key chains, water bottles, stickers, pens/pencils, t-shirts, pennants, bags, and food/candy, are allowed! Prohibited items/activities include demonstrations (including those with live animals, food preparation, drawings/raffles, etc.) or competitions of any kind. (If you are not sure if something is acceptable, ask the NACAC representative onsite.) NACAC reserves the right to dismantle an exhibitor’s table for violation of this policy.