Welcome to NACAC Conference 2024! This year, we’re excited to announce that more than 70% of our Education Sessions are CE-Eligible. To receive a CE certificate, you must complete a “Session Feedback Survey” found in the Conference app or the online platform for each eligible session.

These instructions are also available via a downloadable PDF.

How do I find CE-Eligible Education Sessions? 

CE-eligible education sessions are indicated in the Conference app. You can also use the “Search” function in the app to find all CE-eligible education sessions. CE-eligible sessions are also indicated by an * in the title.

When will Session Feedback Surveys be available for submission?

Session feedback surveys will be available as soon as the session has concluded. At that point, you will be able to find the survey in the Conference app by looking under that session’s “Agenda Details” page and clicking on the “Survey” button.

We highly recommend that you complete each survey soon after the end of the corresponding session. However, if you choose, you can submit surveys after Conference has ended Please ensure all session feedback surveys are submitted and you have downloaded your certificate by Friday, December 20, at 11:59 pm (ET).

How will I receive my CE Certificate?

CE certificates can be found and emailed to any email address through the Conference app:

  1. Through the main dashboard, click on “My Conference”
  2. Click on “CE Credits” – You will see a list of the CEs you have earned.
  3. Click on “Certificate” in the upper right corner. There you will see your certificate.
  4. Click on “Email” to send the certificate to your email. You will receive a pdf version of the certificate.
  5. Please make sure to save a copy. You can also change the default email address listed.

What if I didn’t attend the Conference, but watched the videos on-demand through the online platform?

As long as you submit a session feedback survey by Dec. 20 for the session you’ve watched on-demand, you will earn CE credits for eligible sessions.

Please use the following instructions:

1. Navigate to the online platform and click on the Calendar icon.

2. On the left dashboard, please click on “My Meeting”

3. Click on CE Credit

You will see a list of sessions which you’re earned CE credits.

4. Click on ‘Certificate.’ You will have the option to email, download or print your certificate. Please retain a copy for your records.

You will see a list of sessions which you’re earned CE credits.

Can I receive an updated certificate if I submit additional surveys after I receive my original certificate?

The Conference app/online platform will update your total number of CE credits as you submit additional surveys. Please repeat the instructions detailed above to receive an updated certificate.

What if I attended a CE-eligible session in-person or on-demand but never filled out a session feedback survey?

Unfortunately, we will not be able to go back and retroactively forward a certificate to you if you did not submit the session feedback survey. Please ensure that you submit your surveys by Friday, December 20. 2024 to receive your certificate.

Other Questions?

If you have any additional questions regarding CEs procedures, please reach out to NACAC’s Education & Training team!

The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5242. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. NACAC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Programs offering sessions eligible for Continuing Education (CE) clock hours are marked with these logos: