The Future of Student Success
Main Stage Program

Friday, Sept. 27
11:00 a.m.
Los Angeles Convention Center, Hall G

The issues and challenges students face today evolve more rapidly than our educational systems adapt. How are the demographics and needs of students changing, and what must be done collectively to support them? Join Alberto Carvalho, superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District where more than 600,000 students attend more than 1,000 schools, and Jennifer Baszile, associate vice chancellor of student success and inclusive excellence for the 23 campuses serving more than 450,000 students across The California State University system, as they explore how college admission counseling practices need to evolve to ensure all students can access college and succeed. Teresa Watanabe, Los Angeles Times higher education reporter, will moderate


Teresa Watanabe

Los Angeles Times


Jennifer Baszile

The California State University


Alberto Carvalho

Los Angeles Unified School District


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